Over the last four days the rain has left us and the sun has blessed us with its rays. It has not been overly warm with a maximum of 17 but it has been a blessed welcome. Our nights have been cold at a minimum of 2 degrees but with plenty of blankets sleeping in the tent is not too bad, at least we don't have to worry about the leaks of rain.
On Friday as I was walking our dog around the caravan park I was approached by an elderly lady who is a permanent resident who asked if Alexander would like to earn some money and prune her garden for her. I let her know that we would be more than willing to help her out and that I would come around with Alex the next morning. Alexander has Autism which causes a degree of high anxiety and confussion when coping with unaided work and direction. He also does not socialise well with others, especially those he has not meant before.Mentioning the task to him caused anxiety but I reassured him that I would do it with him as I felt it would be a good experience.
The next morning we set off after breakfast to help out our new elderly friend. She gave us instructions as to what plants she wanted pruned and we set out spending our morning cutting, weeding and digging. A fun morning was had by all, even little Celeste, as we discovered, snails, slugs, bugs and worms. The elderly lady was delighted with our work as we not only pruned but weeded all garden beds and her pot plants. We swept her verandah and gave it a general clean up. Upon completion we spent time sitting on the verandah discussing caravan park life and her flowers. She was delighted with the company and the interest we took in her garden, with Samantha taking photo's of her flowers. She enjoyed the company of a three year old who she stated she watches run around the park during the day. We achieved a lot that morning. We made a new friend, spent time together, soaked up the sunshine, got exercise, learnt new things and made someone else happy. Although we insisted she did not pay Alex for the job, as it was our pleasure to help, she kindly gave him $5, a token gesture from an old lady who does not have much. She informed us that she was 83 and the gardening had just got " a little to much for her back"
Alexander hard at work |
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A team effort |
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Weeding and pruning done! |
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My favourite - the colours are amazing. |
I am amazed at how such a little gesture and task can make all feel better about themselves. The next morning we all awoke feeling refreshed and bubbly so packed a picnic lunch and headed 25 km's down the road to Port MacDonnell for some more sunshine and the beach. Port MacDonnell is a small crayfishing town. Not really thinking about the fact that, although the sun was shining, it was only 17 degrees our visit to Port MacDonnell was that of a short one as the wind blew with a chill factor of zero. We still went for a stroll on the beach and sat in the park to play and have lunch but only seemed to pass a couple of hours of the day.
When driving home we came across a sign that said Mt Schank Volcano so off we turned to the right and drove 2 km's down the road. Now this was where we were meant to be. As we turned into the carpark we looked at the beautiful picnic ground and countryside and new time would be spent here. Since we had eaten lunch we set out to read the information signage close by with the thought of taking the bushwalk to the top of the volcano. Moderate level of fitness, 30 minute round trip, some stairs - how difficult could that be. Off we set.
We walked a few metres onto the path and there before us where SOME stairs - a steep long climb that looked like it would never end. The eldest two were up to it but I had my second thoughts when little Celeste strongly suggested she be carried. I strongly suggested we stay here so off set Sam and Alex, with the dog eagerly at their heels.
Well that was enough for Celeste. She was out of my arms and climbing the stairs, some so high and steep that she had to use her hands to pull herself up. Holding my hand but refusing help she set her sight on the seats that were place along the climb and reached each one. We would then sit and admire the view until she was up again and climbing. I let her set the pace and we enjoyed each others company. She made it about halfway before we were met by Sam and Alex on their way back, they lost count of the stairs after 199. Celeste was happy that they were back and she had achieved as far as she had and walked, or jumped, down the steps all the way to the bottom. Everyone gave her hi-5's when she got there and told her she was a little trooper. After a drink I took her to the toilet where she beamed with joy telling me she was a big girl and stated " I'm a little trooper mum" He new found confidence and self esteem was more than enough of a reward for me. On that day she taught me two things - " No mountain is so big you cannot climb it" and " If you set your mind on anything you can achieve it"
Alex next to Mt Schank volcano |
The volcano hole |
What a view! |
Upon returning back to the caravan park that afternoon our elderly friend approached me and asked if I would like a fold up stretcher bed for my tent as she felt at least one of us would sleep more warmly than on the floor. She was cleaning her shed and had not used it for some years so thought it may come in handy for us. I thanked her dearly and set off with her to collect it. It was at the back of her shed and in order to get it I had to move boxes. When I was about to place the boxes back she asked me to leave them near the door so she could clean them out. I suggested I place them somewhere so she would not have to bend or move them as some where heavy. She smiled and thanked me and the boxes where placed on a table for sorting. We had both paid it forward as she helped me and I helped her. That night Celeste and I squeezed onto the bed in the tent and had the best nights sleep we have had in a long time.
Today was another day of helping out and feeling good. After weeding the first garden it seems as though Alex has become in demand for his services. Since we have been her a gentleman, who is also a permanent resident, lost his wife to sudden death. She was at work, being only in her 50's, where she collapsed and was found dead some hours later, as she was working alone at the time. The cause is yet unknown but a heart attack has been ruled out. It has been a hard few weeks for this gentleman and our heart goes out to him with the sudden loss of his wife at such a young age. It has surely reinforced in myself to be thankful for each day we have and to enjoy the time we have with our loved ones. Today our new elderly lady friend approached us and asked if we would weed the garden for this gentleman as he had commented on the lovely job we had done on her garden. She stated that the garden belonged to his wife who was passionate about her plants but he did not have time to weed. He wanted to know if we could do it for him as keeping it neat meant a lot to him. This put a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. We were more than willing to oblige and set out this afternoon weeding his garden with the thoughts of a women we did not know in our minds and hearts, feeling the love she shared for her garden and her husband and the loss he felt for her. He was at work at the time of our gardening so I did not get a chance to give him my condolences but hope we left behind our respects in each weed we pulled and each piece of dirt we turned. We hope we left it as nice as his wife would have liked it.
We have had a wonderful, fulfilling and enlightening four days.........We hope yours has been just as good..........
Live well........ Love well..........Laugh often................
blog by Jennifer Deaves Photographs Samantha Lo (c)
Jennifer, you inspire me so much! Amazing work you guys have been doing! I love the photo's, thanks for sharing. The flowers are so pretty, it's really amazing how beautiful nature can be.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kelly, The colour of the flowers really are amazing. Nature never ceases to amaze me. Unfortunately so many people just walk on by not noticing or take it for granted. Our world really is amazing. I hope I can inspire many others. I hope more will live their lives taking a moment to help others and share as it really is so much fun. It brightens our day, the day of others and we learn so much. Life was meant to be shared. Thanks for taking the time to read.